Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thought of the week.

This campaign is a conversation. A conversation between Canadians, a conversation between Canadians and our government, a conversation between “our world” and “their world”, and most importantly, a conversation between our children’s world and their children’s world. It is cliché to say that we are only as strong as our weakest link but many would argue that this holds true of humanity and of our planet, and the respective future of each. It is both bull-headed and blinded to think that we any longer live in an insular world. What happens in Timbuktu can and will affect us where we are. If the disparity within humanity continues, or worse, continues to grow, what impact will that have on our future? Do you think you are immune? Who is to say that if left impoverished and weakened, this world will not serve as an easy breeding ground for the next pandemic; a fertile petrie dish for the demise of humanity?

And let’s not forget the ultimate question; are we not all human? Do we all not share the most basic right for existence and the opportunity for survival? Please join us and let’s help Make Poverty History. We are all in this together.

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